Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Rainbow After the Rain, Shining Blue Polish

Been awhile since I've posted a nail polish swatch. This one's inspiration is to combine two nail blogs I've viewed today Nail Narcotics and Emy Augustus. They both have awesome and creative posts that keep me motivated.

Out of all the nail polishes I have, I picked this for swatching. Well, it was raining so hard awhile ago and I was supposed to do a gloomy nail art look because of the weather but then it suddenly stopped. And now, the sun is high up. I was really looking for a nail polish color that can signify this event. HAHA! How dramatic huh?  I ended up with this color instead, KONAD's Shining Blue Nail Polish.

Personally, I really hate the blue color. I prefer GREEN way better than BLUE. Oh oh! To those who reside in the Philippines, you can probably relate to this when I say it is somehow associated with the biggest long-time rivalry of two schools, De La Salle University (GREEN) and Ateneo de Manila University (BLUE). With the recent standing and game in UAAP's Basketball Championship, I am bitter (which is an understatement "FURIOUS" kidding :D ) that DLSU lost by 10 points against ADMU. :(( But it's not too late yet, DLSU will come back top for sure next time. *crossing my fingers*

This nail polish swatch also combined two blog posts I've read today...

First is Emy's post of a satin beige or dirty while color while the second is NailNarcotic's braided nails. She used a blue base color for the nail art but I didn't want to swatch a royal purple color.

To combine the two posts, KONAD's Shining Blue Nail Polish has a satin look to it. You have to apply 3-4 coats for this because it's too shear if you only put two coats.

This picture was taken without a top coat yet it looks very shiny. 

I'll surely post a green swatch soon because I don't want to be mistaken for ROOTING for ADMU ever! I just really posted this nail polish swatch because of the weather awhile ago.

The color's almost close to a denim color. Guess that will do for now.
If you noticed, I used this nail polish for the 9/11 Tribute Nail Art too :D

Have a great week all!

What are your thoughts on this? 
Do you like this satin blue shade?


yaksonhouse said...


Candace said...

I have nominated you for a liebster award! For acceptance instructions, please go to my blog, and answer the questions provided :)

Irev (Saejin) said...

This is a lovely blue color :) Care to link exchange sis? :) Vanity Kitchen - Fashion and Beauty

Isaac smith said...

Hi, what a great web blog. I usually spend hours on the net reading blogs on various subjects.

nail supply

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